François Boucher

François Boucher
The Toilet of Venus (1751)

Marie-Louise O'Murphy c. 1752
The Afternoon Meal
Rinaldo and Armida
Brown Odalisque (L'Odalisque Brune)
Portrait of Marquise de Pompadour
Portrait of Marquise de Pompadour
The Birth of Venus
Apollo Revealing his Divinity before the Shepherdess Isse
The Rising of the Sun
The Setting of the Sun
The Birth of Venus (detail)
Chinese Dance
La Pêche chinoise
Diana Resting after her Bath
Diana Resting after her Bath (detail)
Diana after the Hunt
The Forest
Are They Thinking About the Grape?
Hercules and Omphale
Madame Boucher (?)
The Milliner (The Morning)
Painter in his Studio
An Autumn Pastoral
An Autumn Pastoral (detail)
A Summer Pastoral
The Rape of Europa
Venus Demanding Arms from Vulcan for Aeneas
Adoration of the Shepherds
The Interrupted Sleep
프랑스의 화가(1703~1770). 로코코 회화의 대표자이며,
화려한 궁정 풍속과 신화를 주제로 한 장식적인 요소가 많은 그림을 그렸다.
작품에 <퐁파두르 부인 상>이 있다.